Saturday, July 20, 2013

Anonymous - Operation Prism (#OpPrism - Anonymous)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Anonymous - System Failure

Monday, July 8, 2013

Cop Kills Sunday School Teacher in Church Parking Lot

A Sunday School teacher was shot to death by a police officer in a church parking lot earlier this week in Culpeper, Virginia.

The female Sunday School teacher was sitting in her car while the officer was standing next to the driver’s side door talking with her. The officer claimed that the woman rolled up her window on his arm and dragged him down the street, but an eye witness to the tragedy says otherwise.

The video below is a local news report that interviews a man who says he saw the officer demand the woman keep her window rolled down. When she did not comply, he fired once. When she started driving away, the officer shot into the car five more times.

We don’t have all the information at this time. It’s unclear why the officer was talking to the woman in the first place, but given that she was a Sunday School teacher in a church parking lot, it would be surprising to hear she was up to anything too malicious.

Is this another example of our country’s authority figures taking it too far?