Sunday, December 15, 2013

51 Sailors from USS Ronald Reagan Suffering Thyroid Cancer, Leukemia, Brain Tumors After Participating in Fukushima Nuclear Rescue Efforts

Crew members in their mid-20's from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan are coming down with all sorts of radiation-related illnesses after being deployed less than 3 years ago to assist with earthquake rescue operations off the coast of Japan in 2011.  It looks as though the on-board desalinization systems that take salt out of seawater to make it drinkable, were taking-in radioactive water from the ocean for the crew to drink, cook with and bath-in, before anyone realized there was a massive radiation spill into the ocean.

Charles Bonner, attorney representing sailors from the USS Ronald Reagan said "the crew members were not only going to the rescue by jumping into the water and rescuing people out of the water, but they were drinking desalinated sea water, bathing in it, until finally the captain of the USS Ronald Reagan alarmed people that they were encountering high levels of radiation."

Bonner says that as a result of this exposure, the 51 sailors have come down with a host of medical problems, "They have testicular cancer, they have thyroid cancers, they have leukemia's, they have rectal and gynecological bleeding, a host of problems that they did not have before ... people are going blind, pilots who had perfect eyesight but now have tumors on the brain. And it’s only been 3 years since they went in." Bonner pointed out that these service men and women are young people, ages 21, 22, 23 years old and no one in their family had ever suffered any of these kinds of illnesses before.

At present, 51 sailors from the USS Ronald Reagan are named as Plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and Bonner says he anticipates adding twenty additional Sailors soon, bringing the total to 70 to 75 because "The Japanese government is in a major conspiracy with TEPCO to hide and conceal the true facts."
In an utterly shocking admission at a meeting of the Japan Press Club on December 12, 2013, the former Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, who was in-office when the Fukushima disaster took place, told assembled journalists "[People think it was March 12th but] the first meltdown occurred 5 hours after the earthquake." This means that the government of Japan KNEW there was horrific radiation being released, but did not tell the U.S. Navy which had deployed the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan to assist with rescue efforts. 

According to "Stars and Stripes" one Plaintiff in the lawsuit is Petty Officer 3rd Class Daniel Hair. When the earthquake struck, Hair and his Reagan shipmates were en route to Korea. They immediately turned around and steamed to the affected area. “There were people in distress,” he said. “This is what we signed up for.”

The Reagan passed through debris as far as the eye could see: wood, refrigerators, car tires, roofs of houses with people riding on them. Hair was told they were five to 10 miles off the coast from Fukushima, which had been damaged by a massive tsunami spawned by the quake.

Sailors were drinking desalinated seawater and bathing in it until the ship’s leadership came over the public address system and told them to stop because it was contaminated, Hair said. They were told the ventilation system was contaminated, and he claims he was pressured into signing a form that said he had been given an iodine pill even though none had been provided. As a low-ranking sailor, he believed he had no choice.
The Navy has acknowledged that the Reagan passed through a plume of radiation but declined to comment on the details in Hair’s story.

Shortly after the disaster, Senior Chief Mike Sebourn was sent from his home base, Naval Air Facility Atsugi, to Misawa Air Base, 200 miles from the faltering power plant. As a designated radiation decontamination officer, he dealt with aircraft and personnel that had flown into the area.

Sebourn, with only two days of training, was tasked with testing seven points on an aircraft’s skin for radiation. He and others crawled all over the crafts for months, he said, with only gloves for protection. At one point, he said, they took the radiator out of one aircraft and tested it. The radiation was four times greater than what should have required them to wear a suit and respirator, he said.

The level of radiation “was incredibly dangerous,” Sebourn said. “Navy aviation had never dealt with radiation before. Nobody knew what to do. Nobody knew what was safe. It was a nightmare.”

Sebourn said he suffered nose bleeds, headaches and nausea in the immediate aftermath — symptoms consistent with radiation poisoning. Months later, he felt weak in his right arm; excruciating pain followed. He said the command fitness leader in charge of physical training at Atsugi watched as his arm atrophied to about half its size.

“I have issues that can’t be explained,” Sebourn said. “It just seems like I am deteriorating.”

Sebourn said he went to doctors more than a dozen times, but no one knew what had caused the former personal trainer to lose 70 percent of the strength in the right side of his body. He retired after 17 years in Japan.

Sebourn is alarmed that the word “radiation” doesn’t appear anywhere in his service record, even though that was his job and he was exposed to it. He believed troops exposed would be red-flagged in their service records and be tracked for medical problems.

According to "The Huffington Post" another Plaintiff in the lawsuit is former Navy Quartermaster Maurice Enis.

Enis says it was more than a month after arriving off the coast of Japan -- and circling at distances of one to 10 miles from the crippled reactors -- when sailors aboard the carrier got word that a nuclear plant had been affected. "Even then, it was rumors," he said. And it wasn't until the USS Ronald Reagan had left Japan and sailors were scrubbing down the ship that they were offered radiation protection. Enis said the enlisted sailors were never offered any iodine. He said he later learned the "higher ups" -- officers and pilots -- had received the tablets to protect their thyroids from radiation damage.

"They had us sign off that we were medically fine, had no sickness, and that we couldn't sue the U.S. government," Enis told The Huffington Post, recalling widespread anger among the sailors who saw it as "B.S." but who also felt they had little choice.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Stunning Photos Capture Rare Snowfall Blanketing Cairo

Egyptians woke up Friday morning to see snow on the streets of Cairo for the first time in their lifetimes. Update: Egypt’s Meteorological Authority says its the first snowfall in “very many years.”

Friday, December 13, 2013

Million Mask March - Video of hundreds of Anonymous activists marching in US & Brazil

Members and supporters of hacktivist collective Anonymous marked Guy Fawkes Day with a global 'Million Mask March' designed to protest against government corruption, corporate malfeasance and the expanding surveillance state.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Drone strike kills 15 Wedding party-goers in Yemen

Fifteen people who had been heading to a wedding in Yemen have been killed in an air strike. Local media reported that a drone attack had been responsible, and the party-goers had been hit instead of an Al-Qaeda convoy.
“An air strike missed its target and hit a wedding car convoy, ten people were killed immediately and another five who were injured died after being admitted to the hospital,” a Yemeni security official told Reuters.
Five more people were injured in the attack which took place in Radda, central al-Bayda province on Thursday, the source added.
The group had been en route to the the village of Qaifa, the site of the wedding, when it was hit. The assault left charred bodies strewn in the road and vehicles on fire, officials told AP.
While officials would not identify the source of the air strike, local and tribal media sources attributed the deaths to a drone attack.
No comment followed as to whose drone may have delivered the strike. However, the US is known for its counter-terrorism assistance to the country which at times includes UAV raids.

Washington has recently increased the intensity of its drone strikes in Yemen - despite widespread criticism sparked by the fact that strikes are not always accurate. In October, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Counterterrorism Ben Emmerson said that US drone strikes killed 2,200 in the past decade, 400 of whom were civilians.

Yemen is considered to be the Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)’s main foothold of what is deemed the most active wing of the militant network.

Critics maintain that the drone strikes program in the country has done nothing to stem the growth of Al-Qaeda, and has even increased support for the terror network.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

12 Year old girl kills herself to see her father again in heaven

"Girl, 12, hangs herself and leaves a note for her mother saying she wanted to see her dead father again because she 'missed him so much'"* Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks discuss this shocking story. Cenk and Ana also discuss religion and it's effect on people. Tell us what you think of religion in the comment section below.

Monday, December 2, 2013

If The Minimum Wage Rose With The Pay of the Top 1%, It Would Be Nearly $23/hour

A New York Times study has shown that if the minimum wage had risen at the same rate as that of the pay of the top 1% of earners, it would stand at $22.62 per-hour, a staggering 212% higher than it is now.

The federal minimum wage is currently set at $7.25 per-hour. It has remained below a poverty-level wage since 1982. This has contributed to the explosion in income inequality seen in America in the past few decades. Minimum wage jobs tend to be short-term, with few if any benefits, and those who hold those jobs are extremely easy to let go (in what we are enjoined by the ruling classes to embrace as “labor market flexibility”). A 212% increase in the minimum wage may sound exorbitant, but according to the Times’s study:

"Worker productivity has more than doubled since 1968, and if the minimum wage had kept pace with productivity gains it would have been $21.72 last year. From 2000 to 2012 alone workers boosted their productivity by 25 percent yet saw their earnings fall rather than rise, leading some economists to label the early 21st century a lost decade for American workers."

The study also revealed the demographic breakdown of those employed in minimum wage jobs. Less than 25% of them are teenagers, and 4 in 10 of them are over the age of 30. Perhaps the most interesting revelation is that since people of color are over-represented in the minimum wage workforce, a modest rise in the minimum wage to just $10.10 per-hour would lift a staggering 3.5 million people of color out of poverty. It just so happens that an increase to $10.10 per-hour received the public backing of President Obama last month.

American workers are working harder and longer but not seeing any reward for their titanic effort. This year has seen a wave of strikes among low-paid workers, particularly in the service and retail sector. Due to the intransigence of the Republican-controlled House over the issue, campaigners have turned their attention to individual states where they have seen some success. States such as Washington and New Jersey have recently approved significant increases in their minimum wage, and activists are lobbying lawmakers in a number of other states.

Monday, November 25, 2013

A Farewell To Brian Griffin - Family Guy

WARNING: This article contains major spoilers from tonight's all-new episode ofFamily Guy! If you do not wish to know more about tonight's jaw-dropping twist, leave now before we unleash the evil monkey that lives in our office on you. 
After more than 11 seasons of laughing along with the Griffin family, we thought we had seen it all on Family Guy—but we were deadwrong.
In Sunday night's mind-blowing episode of Seth MacFarlane's animated hit series, audiences were shocked to discover that Brian, the canine companion who has been in each and every episode since the pilot, was hit by a car and died. We're serious, you guys.
It gets worse. Earlier in the episode, Stewie dismantled his infamous time machine. Now the pint-size genius cannot get the necessary vital parts to repair it, thus losing the possibility to save his best friend's life. Confession: We have no shame in admitting that a cartoon made us cry tonight.
To help make sense of the stunning series changes that took place over a mere 22 minutes, we chatted with executive producer Steve Callaghan to figure out what on earth is going on in Quahog. From the decision that led to Brian's death, to reactions from the cast, and the new Sopranos-inspired pup who will be taking Brian's place in the opening credits, read on for all the exclusive details that you won't find anywhere else!
We can't believe that Brian is gone! What led you to make this crucial decision for the series?
Steve Callaghan
: Well, this was an idea that got pitched in the writers room and it sort of caught fire, and we thought it could be a fun way to shake things up. As soon as this idea came up, we started talking about what the next couple episodes could be and we got very excited about the way this change will affect the family dynamics and the characters.
Why did you decide that Brian had to be the one to go and not one of the other characters?It seemed more in the realm of reality that a dog would get hit by a car, than if one of the kids died. As much as we love Brian, and as much as everyone loves their pets, we felt it would be more traumatic to lose one of the kids, rather than the family pet.
How did long-time Family Guy actors, Mila Kunis and Seth Green, react once they learned that Brian would die in tonight's episode?I think they were glad it wasn't them. [Laughs.] I think they were surprised, as anyone would be, and I think they were pretty stunned especially this far into the show. They were as shocked as anyone.
Why did you feel like you needed to bring another dog into the Griffin family right away?It felt like the way that this show was conceived by Seth all those years ago, it was this entire family unit including the parents, kids and a dog.  So by losing Brian, it felt like a void needed to be filled both comically, and also for the interpersonal relationships between all the characters.  We felt that we needed to fill that role.
Of all the actors in the world, why did you have The Sopranos' Tony Sirico come in to voice the role of Vinny, the Griffin's new dog?I think it was Seth's idea actually to get Tony to come in. He's a big fan of The Sopranosand always loved Tony Sirico in particular and he thought it would be fun to write a character based around his voice and his personality and just who he is as an actor.
We saw a little bit of Vinny's personality in tonight's episode. How does Vinny's demeanor compare to Brian's?Oh they're very different. Brian was very smart and studios and intellectual, and Vinny is just a lot more of a rough around the edges.
Brian and Stewie were extremely close and developed a very strong bond over these past 11 seasons. Will Vinny and Stewie continue to grow closer?Vinny is a really good match for Stewie. Where Brian was sort of a match for Stewie intellectually, Vinny is a good match for Stewie because he doesn't let Stewie get away with any crap. He'll call Stewie out on his B.S. freely.
What's coming up in the next all-new Family Guy episode airing Dec. 8?It's just a regular, run-of-the-mill episode. Well, actually it's a super funny episode. Peter and Quagmire form a Simon and Garfunkel folk-type singing duo and there's a lot of funny and original songs that they write, which as you might expect, are really absurd and silly and stupid.
Killin off Brian is a really big shocker. Are you worried about the backlash from longtime Family Guy fans?I'm not, only because our fans are smart enough and have been loyal to our show for long enough, to know that they can trust us. We always make choices that always work to the greatest benefit of the series.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Anonymous Hacktivist Jeremy Hammond Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison

Hacker Jeremy Hammond was sentenced this morning to 10 years in prison and three years of supervised release for a damaging, politically motivated computer intrusion at the private intelligence firm Stratfor in 2011.
The 28-year-old Chicagoan pleaded guilty earlier this year to hacking the servers of Strategic Forecasting, Inc., where he wiped out files and databases and stole 5 million private email messages and 60,000 customer credit card numbers. The emails went to WikiLeaks, while the credit cards were used by Anonymous to rack up $700,000 in fraudulent donations to non-profit groups.
Hammond’s lawyers, armed with an internet petition and over 250 letters of support, had sought a sentence of 20 months time-served, positioning Hammond as a whistleblower working to expose wrongdoing at private contractors tied to law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
“I targeted law enforcement systems because of the racism and inequality with which the criminal law is enforced,” Hammond told U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska, reading from a statement that’s now been posted online.
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Monday, November 4, 2013

First Picture Of LAX Shooter After He Was Shot...

Picture Of LAX Shooter After He Was Shot. Bizarre. What do you see?

After killing one TSA agent and wounding six others at LAX on Friday Paul Ciancia was brought down by four shots from airport police. In the just-released photo a bloody, stunned and handcuffed Ciancia is lying on the floor beside a huge pool of his own blood. One shot struck Ciancia in the mouth (knocking out several teeth and splitting his tongue). No word on where the other shots struck him.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Members of Anonymous indicted for 'Operation Payback' - #OpPayback Anonymous

The Federal Government is cracking down on a group of hacktivist for allegedly being associated with the online collective, Anonymous. Thirteen alleged members have been indicted over "Operation Payback" and RT's Sam Sacks breaks down the details over the alleged online attack.

Detectives Kill 80 Year Old Man In His Own Home Because They "Smelled Something"

The wife of an 80-year-old man who was shot dead by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department deputies in a mistaken meth lab raid is planning to sue the county for $50 million, she said.
On the morning of June 27, detectives raided the couple’s home in unincorporated Littlerock, serving a search warrant granted because the property allegedly smelled of the ingredients used to make methamphetamine, according to sheriff’s department officials.
There’s a dispute about what exactly happened at the home in the 36600 block of 117th Street East (map), east of Palmdale, but Eugene Mallory ended up dead, shot six times.

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No evidence of a meth operation was ever found, though sheriff’s officials say marijuana was found on the property.
On Friday, attorney James Bergener plans to announce his filing of a civil lawsuit on behalf of Mallory’s widow Tonya Pate against the sheriff’s department and the Los Angeles County Department of Coroner, which Pate says released Mallory’s remains to an out-of-state relative. Pate will ask for upwards of $50 million.
During the June raid, Mallory raised a semi-automatic handgun in response to deputies, who fired on him, the sheriff’s department said at the time. Two guns were recovered at the scene, according to sheriff’s department spokesman Steve Whitmore.
“Age does not preclude somebody from being aggressive toward deputies,” Whitmore said. “The lesson here is… don’t pull a gun on a deputy.”
Pate said Mallory, a former engineer with Lockheed Martin, respected law enforcement and would never have used a gun against officers.
“He would never point a gun at officers,” said Pate, 48. “Every day I stay in that house with that bloody bedroom … where I know he was taken from me for no reason.”
Mallory did own two guns that were in the house, Pate said. She said his glasses were beside his bed when he was killed, and could not have seen because of poor eyesight.
“He was shot in his bed before there was any warning given,” Bergener said..
Marijuana was found on another part of the property where Tonya’s lived, she said.
“There was a drug operation that was certainly going on in this house,” Whitmore said.
Read more and See VIDEO:

Friday, October 4, 2013

Goverment Shutdown - A message from Anonymous (Anonymous - #GovernmentShutdown)

Dear citizens of the internet, For too long the leaders of this planet have ruled over a failing system. It was a system devoid of a soul, without a heart to the cries of our beautiful host planet and its people. It was a system unable to bear the cost of change even as the biosphere itself and its inhabitants have long since buckled under the strain of mindless unchecked capitalism. The breaking point has come and it is because of the strength of those who refused to give up that the ´elect´ have surrendered to knowing the need for change under the directorship of the People. So it is, that we to take the opportunity to be the change we hope to see in the world. We are the people we have been waiting for. For many millennia the global system has grown fat and sick, rewarding qualities that are alien to the true heart of man and elevating those comfortable with greed, corruption and ruthlessness to positions of power, where they have maniacally dominated those with the true qualities of man which are opposite of life, charity, honesty and meekness. It is that those with these qualities are forced to exist within a system of slavery with opportunity to advance being at the cost of destroying the heart and soul within themselves to become another component of the machine. As though in a periodic cycle of revolution many generations have fought to overcome the ´elect´ who for those with any eyes to see had misused their position of trust to further their own paranoid dominance, drunk on the maddening wines of self reward and power for the few at the cost of the many, they paid back the world in suffering. So it became that with each revolution the cost escalated until all the persons of the earth and even biosphere itself are brought to the point of destruction, just so the ´elect´ can keep hold of the power and position they had become accustomed to. Worse than failing their own souls, those we elected to administrate the system on our behalf have bargained with ours, conspiring to destroy all humanity to protect a broken system, instead of just accepting the obvious, that the system has failed us all. Now, one and all, let it go and lets change everything. Brought forward by the selfless sacrifice of many, the People of Earth are now at a turning point in history and it is up to us to take part in a great deep collective democracy endeavor to be the change we wish to see. Let us throw away all the pieces that no longer serve us and embrace this opportunity for something completely different. As the old system crumbles around us find calm in the storm by taking part in the creation of the new system in which all are free. Let us decide together how that system should operate. With the passing of the old, and with the long fulfilled promise fulfilled we are the meek inheriting the Earth, we are the last becoming first and the opportunity is given to us. We are about to begin a separation into two paths and it is each individuals choice which path to take. The departing system will dissolve and if it be not for men of courage to end it in one day then it shall be a slow death sucking the life out of anyone who tries to hold onto its passing. For those who choose to join with us, we set out this day to begin an alternative system that will run parallel to that which is passing away and we invite you: Seek wikispaces to find and discover new projects; seek tools to empower yourselves; seek new communities and groups which form after the destruction! Seek free land, space, materials. Seek passage to DC. Publish your results. We can collectively manifest the things needed to build a new ecology. Read More [Full Transcript]: We are Anonymous, We are Legion, We do not forgive, We do not forget, It's time for a change.

(Operation Miriam - #OpMiriam) Anonymous - Message to US Secret Service and Capitol police.

Operation Miriam has been activated. We ask everyone to help with this operation and give aid or assistance to Miriam Carey's Family and towards her child. We reach out to give our peace and love. You can contact the Secret Service at 202-406-5708 and the Capitol Police at 202-224-0908. Because together we can make a difference within and beyond our world. Miriam Carey, may your soul carry on! Your death will not go unpunished. We Are Anonymous, We are Legion, We Do not Forgive, We do not Forget, You Should Have Already Expected us!

Greetings American Secret Service and Capitol Police, We are Anonymous. On October 3rd, 2013; A child, barely old enough to understand has had their mother brutally taken away by your hailing gunfire. The woman who was shot is by the name of Miriam Carey. She was 34 years old and a Dental Hygienist from Connecticut. Her actions may have been unclear, but she did however crash into your barricade with her Lexus. She may have resisted your orders and argued. However under her fear, she reacted like most people would under the threat of weapons pointed at her and near her child. So she fled to escape. You opened fire only to later on to make a stop to shoot once again. You have taken away the life of an innocent woman and put a child's life further into danger than it already was. You could have chosen alternate methods such as disabling her car which would have prevented this entire situation or have chosen a more sensible option, but instead you spilt the bloodshed of a mother who had no weapons of any kind. Anons in the area have witnessed your actions. In result we launch a task force. Under this new operation, you and others who are behind you will be exposed for the criminals that you are. You have sealed your fate, all your bases belong to us. The American People are awake and aware, your clock is ticking down. The Police State and the Government will be removed. Justice is coming for you, there is no forgiveness only the wrath of Anonymous!

Punk band shoots porno on Westboro Baptist Church front lawn

Current law doesn’t allow families of dead soldiers to beat Westboro Baptist members to death with their own arms while they protest funerals, which is really a shame, but some enterprising members of society have found other avenues of reprisal. Following up on a group of satanists performing a gay ritual on Fred Phelps’ mom’s grave back in July, a “ridiculously sleazy” punk band from Sacramento has released a porn video shot on the Westboro Baptist Church lawn.

“There was a lot of traffic and we saw a few cops at a coffee shop a few blocks away. We barley [sic] had enough gas money and cocaine to make it to Denver for our next concert. Since we can’t afford bail, we had to cut it a little short before the cops got called. If someone will bail us out, we will bring a group of girls and a whole camera crew when we come back in a few months” – J.P. Hunter, Get Shot! Get Shot! are no strangers to law enforcement and say they have spotted undercover police officers at their concerts to see if public indecency or drug use occur on stage. The band recently started a free porn site, GETSHOTGIRLS.COM, where the uncensored Westboro video can be viewed.

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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Reports of shots fired outside US Capitol (Woman shot by police) 10/3/2013 October 3 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

Anonymous - New Anonymous Chat Program (Anonymous Chat)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Anonymous - Operation Prism (#OpPrism - Anonymous)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Anonymous - System Failure

Monday, July 8, 2013

Cop Kills Sunday School Teacher in Church Parking Lot

A Sunday School teacher was shot to death by a police officer in a church parking lot earlier this week in Culpeper, Virginia.

The female Sunday School teacher was sitting in her car while the officer was standing next to the driver’s side door talking with her. The officer claimed that the woman rolled up her window on his arm and dragged him down the street, but an eye witness to the tragedy says otherwise.

The video below is a local news report that interviews a man who says he saw the officer demand the woman keep her window rolled down. When she did not comply, he fired once. When she started driving away, the officer shot into the car five more times.

We don’t have all the information at this time. It’s unclear why the officer was talking to the woman in the first place, but given that she was a Sunday School teacher in a church parking lot, it would be surprising to hear she was up to anything too malicious.

Is this another example of our country’s authority figures taking it too far?

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Cops TASER Naked 11 year old girl wandering up the interstate.

ASHLAND, Ore. – State police confirm the young girl found wandering naked and confused along I-5 early Sunday morning was apprehended with a Taser.
Officials say that woman is a juvenile. She was found just after 4:00 a.m. between mileposts 18 and 19, apparently unresponsive and unaware of her surroundings, and it was Adam Bednar who found her.
“I stopped the car in the middle of the freeway, I backed up. She kind of looked in my window, she kind of laughed and just kept on walking,” said Bednar.
Bednar says he drove alongside her while he called police. He says the trooper who arrived called for her to stop, and when she didn’t respond threatened twice to taze her. After giving no response, two little red dots appeared on her back, then metal barbs.
“She seized up and she fell face first on the ground,” said Bednar.

State police officials say it was necessary to prevent her from wandering further into the road and putting herself in danger. Bednar, who helped troopers apprehend the girl on the hood of his car, says he isn’t so sure.
“She wasn’t going off the road, she was set on walking down the freeway,” said Bednar. “And I think that, had [the trooper] waited for back up, they could have gotten her without the Taser.”
As for the reasons for her behavior, OSP says she likely has Autism. Bednar says whatever it was, it was baffling.
“I thought she was drugged. I thought she was on bath salts, too much meth, something.”
What is certain is that the young girl, whose identity is not being revealed, was not the victim of a crime. She reportedly wandered out of the house, and is now safe with her family.
Officials also say she will not be charged with any crimes because she wasn’t aware of her surroundings.

Read More and see Video @

Friday, June 21, 2013

Cop stops to ask for directions and shoots woman's dog.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Amazing Facts About the Pyramids


The pyramids are one of earth’s most fascinating standing structures -or at least to me they are. There have been many theories discussed as to how they were built, who built them and even why they were built. Ever since I was a kid I had been looking into each question surrounding the pyramids and in the end I felt that they were created by something “not of this world.” I came across this analysis of the pyramids and thought it was pretty extensive. Check it out and be the judge for yourself. It’s merely information I wanted to pass on for others to be their own judge.

“According to the accepted version of history, the three massive Pyramids on the Giza Plateau in Egypt were built by armies of Hebrew slaves for the glory of the Pharaohs of Egypt. This idea was introduced to the world by the visit to Egypt of the 5th century Greek historian Herodotus. He claimed that the Pyramids were built by teams of 100,000 men, changed every few months, over a period of 20 years. The fact that this meant that one block of stone had to be laid exactly in place every 3 1/2 minutes 24 hours a day seems to have been overlooked by recent Egyptologists! The fact that there wasn’t this kind of manpower in 4th Dynasty Egypt for almost 5000 miles around is equally ignored! Not to mention the ludicrous theories about the stones being rolled on logs – when the only trees endemic to Ancient Egypt were date palms (a valuable food source, so unlikely to be cut down, and far too soft a wood to withstand the weight of such stones for more than a few feet!) – or pushed up a ramp (a ramp which would have entailed more work than the construction of the Pyramid itself, and would have left behind around 6 billions pounds of construction garbage, none of which has ever been found!)

The Pyramids are supposed to be monuments to the Pharaohs, tombs to preserve the royal bodies for a continued existence in the afterlife, and yet no bodies have ever been found inside them. This misconception of history has led to some very basic misunderstandings about Egyptian culture and history, and has led to perhaps the greatest conspiracy of all time: who built the Pyramids?

Let me start by examining some hard facts which nobody can dispute, and looking in turn at what these facts might represent or mean:

1. The Great Pyramid (known as that of Khufu/Cheops) contains no Pharaoh’s body, no treasure chamber, and no treasures. There is no indication that it ever has contained these things. The popular myth of the Pyramids being royal tombs is clearly nonsense. The tombs archaeology has accepted – those in the Valleys of the Kings and Queens –are obviously tombs, storehouses of the Pharaoh’s earthly riches, intricately prepared to ensure his survival in the next world. The Great Pyramid contains none of the obvious trappings of a tomb.

2. The only reason it is known as the Khufu/Cheops Pyramid at all is due to some Victorian graffiti! When Colonel Howard Vyse blasted his way into the Great Pyramid he was determined to make his name as an Egyptologist. He longed for nothing more than to make some monumental discovery which would make him famous. His disappointment at finding the Pyramid empty was too much for him to bear – it was his last season in Egypt – and in the dead of night it is said that he crept up into the ‘air shafts’ (known as ‘spirit stones’ to the Egyptians) above the King’s Chamber and daubed some hieroglyphs in red paint. The following morning he made his ‘discovery’ and subsequently earned his place in the history books as being the man who discovered the identity of the owner of the Great Pyramid!

It is worth mentioning in addition that the symbols he painted were not even accurate ones for the period in which the Pyramid was then believed to have been built. The symbol for ‘Ra’ – chief amongst the Egyptian gods at that time – was depicted wrongly. Now surely if an Egyptian had painted that symbol he would have got it right! Not to do so would have been a grave insult to the most highly respected and feared of the Egyptian pantheon.

3. The stone sarcophagus which is contained within the Great Pyramid is too large to have been brought into the chamber in which it stands. Many books on the subject of this particular anomaly either point blank ignore the question or state rather bizarrely that the sarcophagus must have been installed during the building process. Now, surely, to a civilisation as advanced as that of the Ancient Egyptians, this solution would have made no sense whatsoever. If the reason for making the sarcophagus – which incidentally shows no indication of ever having been occupied – larger than the doorway was to put off thieves, surely the subsequent sealing of the chamber with huge stone portcullis blocks, and the thorough blocking off of the Ascending Corridor which leads to the King’s Chamber by three enormous granite plugs, would have been sufficient. It is highly unlikely that the opportunistic thieves of Ancient Egypt would have taken the time to plough through that much solid rock just to get into a chamber which they must have known was empty of all riches. And if the chamber was completely barren and empty, why go to such great lengths to ensure that it wasn’t opened up ever again? What secrets does the so-called King’s Chamber hold?

4. Some visitors, including the great and fearless Emperor Napoleon himself, have experienced strange visions and environmental distortions whilst inside the Great Pyramid, particularly the King’s Chamber. In the 1930s, author Paul Brunton spent a night there and was assailed by visions of “a circle of hostile creatures” which he likened to “elemental creations, grotesque shapes, madmen, hulking and devilish apparitions”. Was this mere hallucination? In more recent times such ideas have been put down to the background radiation given off by the black granite of the chamber, but surely if it was that simple then everyone who visited the chamber would experience a similar thing, wouldn’t they?

Early experiments indicated that the King’s Chamber ‘spirit stones’ did seem to generate an electrical field which caused minor shock to at least one poor visitor drinking from a metal hip flask! It has been suggested that the Pyramid, because of its granite blocks, could transmit and receive radio and even microwave signals very well, and some believe that it gives off energy in an ‘emanating apex’ – this means that energy spirals off the top of the structure in a circle which widens as it permeates the atmosphere. Whilst some have seen this as mere New Age hokum, others have said this confirms their suspicions that the Pyramid is some kind of beacon intended for use from space.

Read More:

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Anonymous - The Real Story of Anonymous (The Real Story of Anonymous - A...

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Anonymous - The Holocaust happened to people just like YOU

Radio Host to Lead Armed March on DC July 4th 'To Put Gov't on Notice that We Won't be Intimidated'

Libertarian activist and radio host, Adam Kokesh plans to lead an armed march on Washington, D.C. this Independence Day.
Launched as a group on Facebook, the "Open Carry March on Washington" hopes to get 1,000 supporters to march into the nation's capital with loaded rifles.
The group plans to meet at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.  From there, they will march across the Memorial Bridge into Washington, D.C. and continue down Independence Avenue.
While Virginia permits open carry, Washington, D.C. does not issue any permit/licenses to carry a firearm.

The Facebook page states:
"This is an act of civil disobedience, not a permitted event. We will march with rifles loaded & slung across our backs to put the government on notice that we will not be intimidated & cower in submission to tyranny."
The event is said to be non-violent and states that if the group is met with physical resistance, they will turn back.

Have Anon Rogues been infiltrated by government operatives?

Hey guys, I think I've found a cell of anonymous who is infiltrated by government operatives. They are promoting an attack on the Silk Road, and I cannot imagine a real anon group doing such a thing. I confronted them about this, argued my point, and they were very childish and had no real response. Please take a minute to go tell them to lay off of the Silk Road. If you have liked their page, i suggest unliking it immediately.

This is their page. Fuck with these guys.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Anonymous - #OpGTMO (#OpGTMO - Anonymous)



WARNING: The following video contains shocking scenes. Some of the scenes are reconstructed.
Follow @OpGTMO on twitter for the latest updates.
#OpGTMO Information Center:

Greeting Citizens of the World,

We have watched with dismay as a great injustice is being committed by the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT in the Guantanamo Bay concentration camp.

Imagine your Father, Your Brother, Your Husband Arrested
Sold for a bounty.
Black bagged and sent away to a foreign country.
Tortured for years on end.
Accused of being a terrorist.
No trial or charge is given.
No lawyer is brought in.
No one is allowed to see him.
With no end in sight.

With no hope for justice, over 100 men who have been held and tortured for years have gone on a hunger strike. On May 18th, it will have been 100 days since they have eaten voluntarily.  Prisoners have died suddenly, violently, and suspiciously. All inmates in Guantanamo Bay have been locked in solitary confinement. Some are being force fed, an international crime. These men face the prospect of a terrible death in prison despite many of them having been cleared for release years ago. One defense attorney has already committed suicide.

It is time for the Obama administration to admit that this is a disgrace for any civilized country which upholds the rule of law. Guantanamo Bay must be closed at once, and the prisoners should be either returned to their home countries or given a fair trial in a federal court. Guantanamo Bay is an ongoing war crime. Anonymous will no longer tolerate this atrocity.

We are outraged. We, the people and Anonymous, will not allow the most expensive prison on earth to be run without any respect for international laws. We stand in solidarity with the Guantanamo hunger strikers. We will shut down Guantanamo.

On May 17 to May 19, to coincide with the 100th day of the hunger strike, we urge everyone to join global actions on the ground and hacktivist protests as well as twitterstorms, email bombs, and fax bombs, in 3 days of nonstop action.


Call the White House: 202-456-1111, 202-456-1414

Call the U.S. Southern Command: 305-437-1213

Call the Department of Defense: 703-571-3343

Call your senators & representatives:

Sign the petition:

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We are Everywhere.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
Expect us.

Check out our blog at

Check out our Facebook page:


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombings - Obvious Staged Event

Sunday, April 28, 2013

CNN Amputee Actor Boston Bombings


This could be a very sensitive subject, but judging by how happy she is she just had her leg removed, I really don't think she would mind this! Are we wrong? Tell us why in the comments. If we are proven wrong with SOLID evidence. I will remove this video.
Here is the original CNN video:

 Here is what I believe is the same lady on Amputees in Hollywood Talent Agency website.

 Here is her LinkedIn website (Notice in skills it mentions talent acquisition):*1_*1_name_LuTE_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1&locale=en_US&id=17531100

Saturday, April 27, 2013

When hackers bully a bully: Anonymous vs Kim Jong-un

For an American emissary looking to have an impact, there’s no better place to visit than North Korea. Most of the world is shut out of Kim Jong-un’s country, and the U.S. government has so few levers to influence policy that any American who finds his way in will make news.

That doesn't mean the news will be good news. Former UN Ambassador Bill Richardson and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt didn't accomplish much during their January visit, and basketball carny Dennis Rodman was as embarrassing as one would expect. In North Korea, even tourists can make headlines: Laura Ling and Euna Lee were detained in 2009 after filming refugees on the China-North Korea border. They became flash points in the U.S.-North Korean standoff because Pyongyang had nothing else to work with.
Unfortunately, the latest outsiders to insert themselves into the picture are hackers that answer to the name Anonymous, the group that became famous by mixing digital activism with clandestine revenge. Anonymous has begun a campaign against North Korea, crashing several North Korean websiteshacking North Korean social media accounts, and perhaps infiltrating North Korea’s intranetAnonymous is promising more attacks to come. There is a chance for serious trouble here.
North Korea, let’s remember, has proven nuclear capacity, the most militarized border in the world, and lies between South Korea, an advanced industrial democracy, and China, the world’s preeminent authoritarian state. The DPRK is governed by an untested 29-year-old princeling under unknown amounts of internal pressure to assert his leadership through demonstrations of militarist machismo, even if it starves his people. For outsiders, Kim is a wildcard. We can’t know how far he will go or how he might react if he doesn't get what we think he wants.
When Anonymous or Wikileaks targets a Western government or a multinational company, the result is a mosquito bite — annoying but not an essential threat. With secretive, brittle North Korea, Anonymous poses a much more serious threat, particularly in a moment when Kim Jong-un may feel backed into a corner.
Plenty of wars have begun by accident or miscalculation. Kim Jong-un has already displayed a tendency toward conspiratorial thinking. What if he or those around him decide that Anonymous is attacking North Korea on behalf of the United States? Or South Korea? In September 2012, Egyptian protesters blamed Washington for the tasteless anti-Islamic work of a single American citizen. And North Korea may be the most information-restrictive country in the world: It may not understand actions originating in a country where freedom of expression is sacrosanct.
Anonymous knows how to hack, but it has no insight into how North Korea might respond to a cyber-invasion – and likely won’t be the target if North Korea decides it must retaliate. Western powers aren't exactly anxious to defend cyber-anarchism or to pay the price for its excesses.
The United States would be happy to see the North Korean regime go. But right now, the United States will continue to rely on “first do no harm” foreign policy designed to keep as much control as possible over a potentially delicate situation.
If North Korea needs to bluster, let it bluster. The surest path to de-escalation is to give Kim Jong-un room to declare (some sort of) victory before his uninformed citizenry.
When it comes to this particular problem, Anonymous is a problem nobody needs.
