Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombings - Obvious Staged Event

Sunday, April 28, 2013

CNN Amputee Actor Boston Bombings


This could be a very sensitive subject, but judging by how happy she is she just had her leg removed, I really don't think she would mind this! Are we wrong? Tell us why in the comments. If we are proven wrong with SOLID evidence. I will remove this video.
Here is the original CNN video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPzmT0UWhYU

 Here is what I believe is the same lady on Amputees in Hollywood Talent Agency website. http://www.amputeesinhollywood.com/TalentLower.html

 Here is her LinkedIn website (Notice in skills it mentions talent acquisition): http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?authToken=LuTE&authType=name&goback=%2Enpv_17531100_*1_*1_name_LuTE_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1&locale=en_US&id=17531100

Saturday, April 27, 2013

When hackers bully a bully: Anonymous vs Kim Jong-un

For an American emissary looking to have an impact, there’s no better place to visit than North Korea. Most of the world is shut out of Kim Jong-un’s country, and the U.S. government has so few levers to influence policy that any American who finds his way in will make news.

That doesn't mean the news will be good news. Former UN Ambassador Bill Richardson and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt didn't accomplish much during their January visit, and basketball carny Dennis Rodman was as embarrassing as one would expect. In North Korea, even tourists can make headlines: Laura Ling and Euna Lee were detained in 2009 after filming refugees on the China-North Korea border. They became flash points in the U.S.-North Korean standoff because Pyongyang had nothing else to work with.
Unfortunately, the latest outsiders to insert themselves into the picture are hackers that answer to the name Anonymous, the group that became famous by mixing digital activism with clandestine revenge. Anonymous has begun a campaign against North Korea, crashing several North Korean websiteshacking North Korean social media accounts, and perhaps infiltrating North Korea’s intranetAnonymous is promising more attacks to come. There is a chance for serious trouble here.
North Korea, let’s remember, has proven nuclear capacity, the most militarized border in the world, and lies between South Korea, an advanced industrial democracy, and China, the world’s preeminent authoritarian state. The DPRK is governed by an untested 29-year-old princeling under unknown amounts of internal pressure to assert his leadership through demonstrations of militarist machismo, even if it starves his people. For outsiders, Kim is a wildcard. We can’t know how far he will go or how he might react if he doesn't get what we think he wants.
When Anonymous or Wikileaks targets a Western government or a multinational company, the result is a mosquito bite — annoying but not an essential threat. With secretive, brittle North Korea, Anonymous poses a much more serious threat, particularly in a moment when Kim Jong-un may feel backed into a corner.
Plenty of wars have begun by accident or miscalculation. Kim Jong-un has already displayed a tendency toward conspiratorial thinking. What if he or those around him decide that Anonymous is attacking North Korea on behalf of the United States? Or South Korea? In September 2012, Egyptian protesters blamed Washington for the tasteless anti-Islamic work of a single American citizen. And North Korea may be the most information-restrictive country in the world: It may not understand actions originating in a country where freedom of expression is sacrosanct.
Anonymous knows how to hack, but it has no insight into how North Korea might respond to a cyber-invasion – and likely won’t be the target if North Korea decides it must retaliate. Western powers aren't exactly anxious to defend cyber-anarchism or to pay the price for its excesses.
The United States would be happy to see the North Korean regime go. But right now, the United States will continue to rely on “first do no harm” foreign policy designed to keep as much control as possible over a potentially delicate situation.
If North Korea needs to bluster, let it bluster. The surest path to de-escalation is to give Kim Jong-un room to declare (some sort of) victory before his uninformed citizenry.
When it comes to this particular problem, Anonymous is a problem nobody needs.

Source: http://anonymousnews.blogs.ru/2013/04/11/when-hackers-bully-a-bully-anonymous-vs-kim-jong-un/

Friday, April 26, 2013

Jeff Bauman, Boston Marathon Victim Who Lost Both Legs, Reunites With Carlos Arredondo, Cowboy Hat Hero Who Saved Him

A week after the iconic image of a hero in a cowboy hat saving a severely injured bomb victim made its way around the world, the two had a private emotional reunion.
The gruesome AP photo of Carlos Arredondo pinching closed a severed arteryfrom Jeff Bauman’s thigh after the explosions on April 15 tells most of the inspiring story. Arredondo unhesitatingly bolted from the bleachers to help Bauman, a spectator who lost both of his legs in the aftermath of the bombings.
Just one image captured both the magnitude of the atrocity and the boundless goodwill that unfolded during the attacks.

But the two, selfless hero and grateful victim, say their bond will extend far beyond the horrors that they witnessed on that spring afternoon. Arredondo visited Bauman at Boston Medical Center a week after the attacks and the two talked about how appreciative each one is of the other. The two speak every day, Bauman told WEEI.
“When we first saw each other we hugged each other and I gave him a kiss on the cheek because it was very beautiful to see him doing very well,” Arredondo told WHDH of the moment they reunited on Monday. “He was so happy to see me and he was so thankful. Tears were coming out of his eyes.”
While Arredondo emerged as one of the most celebrated heroes of the Boston attacks, he began the day as a mourning father. Arredondo came to the race to honor his two deceased sons. Lance Cpl. Alexander S. Arredondo died in Iraq in 2004 in a firefight in Najaf and his other son, Brian, who battled years of depression after his brother died, committed suicide in 2011.

Arredondo contemplated killing himself after his son Lance died, but then vowed to commit his life to protesting the war.
As he continued to pursue that mission, he also inadvertently picked up another one –- saving Bauman and inspiring him to live.
“When Carlos picked me up and threw me into the wheelchair, then I was like, maybe I am gonna make it,” Bauman told WEEI. “Before that, no way. I thought I was done.”
With Arredondo’s help, Bauman got to the hospital in time. While still in intensive care, Bauman gave the FBI a description of one of the suspects, according to Bloomberg.
Now, also dubbed a “marathon hero,” Bauman is well on the road to recovery. He’s begun his physical and occupational therapies and donations have been pouring in to help him cover his medical bills. His online fundraising effort, “Bucks for Bauman,”has already raised nearly $700,00 as of press time.
Arredondo told WHDH that he expects to see great things from Bauman.
The recovering victim seems to share that sentiment.
"I had a lot to live for before," Bauman told WEEI. "And I have a lot to live for now."

Thursday, April 25, 2013

TRAGEDY: Scores Dead in Bangladesh Building Collapse, Death Toll Rising

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Facebook page predicts Nuke Event in L.A on April, 28th 2012

A man claiming to be a time traveler is claiming that in a few days, April 28th 2012, a nuke event will take place in LA.  I know, it sounds crazy, but he also has a blog that he made in 2007 that predicted the earthquake and reactor failure in japan.

Notice the post is dated 2007.

Here is a link to the page, let me know what you guys think.  He has paypal donations set up for the 30,000 he predicts will die.  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Memorial-For-Nuke-Event-in-LA-April-28th/353093098124193?fref=pb&hc_location=profile_browser

Update:  The facebook page has since been taken down (4/27/13)

Lawmaker Unemployment Hearing Attended By Single Member of Congress At Opening

More than five years since the start of the Great Recession, unemployment remains a major economic problem in the United States, with long-term unemployment among its most stubborn aspects.

Nobody told Congress.

A hearing Thursday on long-term unemployment held before the 19-member Joint Economic Committee began with just a single lawmaker in attendance. Panelists testifying on the problem and its potential solutions spoke only to Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), the committee's vice-chair, for the beginning of the roughly 90-minute session.

The all-but-complete absence of congressional interest was first documented by National Journal reporter Niraj Chokshi, who tweeted a photo of the hearing. Shortly after the photo was posted, several other lawmakers did trickle in to participate. Sen. Christopher Murphy (D-Conn.) arrived eight minutes into the hearing. Once the hearing had been under way for 35 minutes, Rep. John Delaney (D-Md.) was also in attendance, according to Chokshi. Eventually Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) also joined, bringing the crowd to four.

More than 4.6 million Americans have been jobless for at least 27 weeks, according to the latest job figures, a rate of 3.0 percent. That's higher than at any point since World War II, including the 2.6-percent peak during the recession of the early 1980s. The official unemployment rate currently stands at 7.6 percent, down from 10.0 percent at the recession's darkest moments, although much of the reduction has been due to people leaving the workforce -- simply giving up hope of finding a job.

Jobs advocates have continually chastised Congress for focusing on the federal budget deficit instead of the shortage of employment in the U.S., which still features more than four job seekers for every open position in the country.

Senators who did not attend the hearing included Sens. Robert Casey (D-Pa.), Mark Warner (D-Va.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Dan Coats (R-Ind.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.). Reps. Kevin Brady (R-Texas), John Campbell (R-Calif.), Justin Amash (R-Mich.), Erik Paulsen (R-Minn.), Richard Hanna (R-N.Y.), Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) and Loretta Sanchez (D-Calif.) also did not attend.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Michelle Obama Visited Saudi National Accused Of Boston Bombing

Michelle Obama visited a Saudi national once considered a person of interest in Monday’s bombing at the Boston Marathon, a Saudi news site is claiming.
The First Lady reportedly visited two different Saudi nationals on Thursday, checking on their health after the blast.

While there were no American news outlets reporting the hospital meeting between Michelle Obama and the Saudi national, some echoed the original report from Saudi Arabian news site Okaz.com.

The Saudi report noted that Michelle Obama took time to meet with two who were injured in the bombing —Abdul Rahman Ali Isa al-Salmi al-Harbi and Noura Khaled Saleh al-Ajaji.

The Saudi nationals both suffered serious injuries in the bombing, the report noted. Noura al-Ajaji reportedly had surgery to repair the thigh area just above the knee, the third round of treatment after Noura already received treatment to sterilize the wound and treat a gash from flying glass.

“Al-Ajaji, who is a master’s student in cosmetic dentistry, was injured by flying glass fragments from the nearby Colby glasses store, which she was nearby during the Boston Marathon bombings, resulting in an 11 centimeter gash in the thigh area,” the Saudi report read.

Read More: http://www.inquisitr.com/626914/michelle-obama-visited-saudi-national-accused-of-boston-bombing-saudi-publications-claims/

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Anonymous leads 200+ websites in April 22 blackout to protest CISPA

As various time zones begin ticking over to April 22, an Anonymous-led Web blackout has begun that will reportedly include over 200 sites suspending regular operations in protest of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) that recently passed the US House of Representatives.
Anonymous and other groups called for the blackout last week using the hashtags #CISPAblackout and #StopCISPA.

While the action is meant to be a repeat of last year’s anti-SOPA blackout, which included participation from Wikipedia and Google, Monday’s CISPA protest appears to be mostly limited to the hacker and Anonymous circles. At present, no major mainstream websites appear on the list of participants.
Beyond just standalone websites, some Anonymous and Occupy Facebook and Twitter accounts have agreed to go silent for the day. Others are using a twibbon campaign or a #StopCISPA profile picture.
CISPA passed the House last week with 288 votes for and 127 votes against. The proposed bill has drawn heavy criticism from privacy advocates who claim that it would expand law enforcement’s access to citizens’ personal information without the proper safeguards.

Read More: http://thenextweb.com/insider/2013/04/22/anonymous-leads-200-websites-in-april-22-blackout-to-protest-cispa/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed:+TheNextWeb+(The+Next+Web+All+Stories)

Boston bombing victim who had legs blown off helped identify suspects

Minutes before the bombs blew up in Boston, Jeff Bauman looked into the eyes of the man who tried to kill him.
Just before 3 p.m. on April 15, Bauman was waiting among the crowd for his girlfriend to cross the finish line at the Boston Marathon. A man wearing a cap, sunglasses and a black jacket over a hooded sweatshirt looked at Jeff, 27, and dropped a bag at his feet, his brother, Chris Bauman, said in an interview.
Two and a half minutes later, the bag exploded, tearing Jeff’s legs apart. A picture of him in a wheelchair, bloodied and ashen, was broadcast around the world as he was rushed to Boston Medical Center. He lost both legs below the knee.

“He woke up under so much drugs, asked for a paper and pen and wrote, ‘bag, saw the guy, looked right at me,’” Chris Bauman said Thursday in an interview.
Those words may help crack the mystery of who perpetrated one of the highest-profile acts of terror in the U.S. since the 2001 assault on New York City and the Washington area, one that killed three people and wounded scores.
While still in intensive care, Jeff Bauman gave the Federal Bureau of Investigation a description of the man he saw, his brother said. Bauman’s information helped investigators narrow down whom to look for in hours of video of the attack, he said.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Boston Bombers Mother speaks out "My sons are innocent, this is a setup"...


The suspects in Boston bombing were identified as Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, and his brother Dzhokhar, 19. The elder brother was killed in the stand-off with the police, while the younger one remains at large.
The father of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Anzor Tsarnaev, says his son, who still remains at large, is “accomplished medical student” and “a true angel”, AP reports. He spoke to the news agency from the city of Makhachkala, capital of the Russian republic of Dagestan, shortly after police said his other son, 26-year-old Tamerlan, had been killed in a shootout.
"My son is a true angel," the Anzor Tsarnaev told AP. "Dzhokhar is a second-year medical student in the US. He is such an intelligent boy. We expected him to come on holidays here."
In the interview to reporters, Anzor Tsarnaev confessed he talked with his son about the bombing earlier this week.

--> “We talked about the bombing. I was worried about them," he said.
Anzor Tsarnaev called on his son to give up peacefully. At the same time he warned that if the US kills his son, "all hell will break loose."
The brothers’ uncle has confirmed to AP that the brothers lived together near Boston and have lived in the United States since immigrating there about a decade ago.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev became an American Citizen on September 11, 2012, CBSBoston reported.

Read More: http://rt.com/news/chechnya-suspect-boston-bombing-110/

“We got him” says Boston Mayor Tom Menino

If you’re new to this story – you missed one heck of an evening.A massive manhunt began overnight after a police officer was murdered at MIT, during an evening that included a 7-11 robbery, a carjacking, a massive gun battle in a Boston suburb, that included explosives being lobbed at police, and finally confirmation from the Boston Chief of Police that one Boston Marathon bombing suspect (the older one, Suspect 1) was apprehended and is now dead (due to his injuries), and the second (the younger one, Suspect 2) is still at-large and being pursued by the FBI, the National Guard, and the Boston Police in a massive door-to-door manhunt in five Boston suburbs. All that happened from 11pm ET until dawn.

Then they shut down all of Boston for the day.  Then. at the end of the day, the police announced they were lifting the siege, they couldn’t find the suspect – only to find him hiding in a boat, and the siege was back. Finally at around 8:43pm ET, they got him.


BREAKING NEWS: Shots fired in Watertown; source says Boston Marathon terror bomb suspect has been pinned down.

RT @WCVB: Many shots fired in Watertown,
Multiple shots fired in Watertown. Body found on a boat in a backyard. 
WATERTOWN, Mass. (MyFoxBoston.com) – Dozens of gun shots were fired near Franklin Street in Watertown Friday night and a suspect was down.

FOX 25′s Bob Ward reported that as many 30 shots were fired in the neighborhood. Residents were told to leave the area.
A state police source told FOX 25′s Heather Hegedus that the suspect was down.
FOX 25′s Jarrod Holbrook reported that the suspect was seen in a boat with a canvas cover. He was reportedly poking holes in the canvas.
Holbrook reported hearing the shots being fired in rapid succession, “like a roll of firecrackers.”
It was not immediately known if the incident was related to the search for Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Read More: http://www.myfoxboston.com/story/22027989/shots-fired-in-watertown-neighborhood

Anonymous - CISPA Internet Blackout (#CISPABlackout - Anonymous)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Campus police officer killed in 'active' shooting at MIT


A Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer was shot and killed Thursday night while investigating a disturbance on the Cambridge, Mass., campus , officials said.
There were reports of shots fired at 10:48 p.m. ET, and the situation remained "active and extremely dangerous," according to MIT's emergency website.
The situation remained "very fluid" after midnight, as police continued to sweep the campus.
Police were still looking for a suspect and no arrests had been made as of early Friday, according to the Middlesex County District Attorney’s office.
Around that time, there were reports of violence and an extremely heavy police presence in Watertown, Mass, which is only a few miles away. Gunshots and two loud booms were heard. It was unclear whether the scenes were related.
The National Guard was on the scene, securing a perimeter in Watertown. The FBI was also on the scene.
On the MIT campus, the area around the school’s Building 32 was cordoned off and students and staff were warned to "stay clear of area until further notice."
Massachusetts State Police were assisting Cambridge and MIT police in the investigation.

Read More: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/04/18/17817173-campus-police-officer-killed-in-active-shooting-at-mit?lite

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Anonymous To Westboro Baptist Church: Picket Boston Marathon Funerals At Your Own Risk

First responders were still on the scene at Boston's devastated Copley Square when fringe hate group Westboro Baptist Church announced it would be picketing the funeral of Boston Marathon bombing victims.

In the message, the group states that "Massachusetts invited this special wrath from God Almighty when it was the first state to pass same-sex marriage on May 17, 2004."
However, hacktivist group Anonymous made it very clear that if the WBC tried anything in Boston, they would feel the full fury of the online community.

WBC, an anti-gay, anti-Semitic group, has made a name for itself as an ambassador of the offensive. Throughout the past few years, the Kansas-based group has threatened to picket everything, including the funerals of victims of the Tucson, Ariz., shooting, as well as those of American soldiers and the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Problems surface with Boston Marathon Official Story

Boston Marathon Explosion 2013 - (Explosion at #BostonMarathon)

Two simultaneous explosions ripped through the crowd at the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, killing two people and injuring dozens on a day when tens of thousands of people pack the streets to watch the world famous race.
Runners were heading for the finish when a fireball and smoke rose from behind cheering spectators and a row of flags representing the countries of participants, video from the scene showed. Other pictures showed blood stains on the ground and several people knocked down.
An hour after the 2:50 p.m. EDT blasts in Boston's Copley Square marred the usually joyous end to the marathon, a fire erupted at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library three miles away, but no one was injured, police said.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Anonymous - Canadian Police address reopening Rehtaeh case - RCMP says s...

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Anonymous - Nova Scotian Police Respond about Rehtaeh Case (RCMP Respond...

#OpJustice4Rehtaeh Statement - Anonymous (Anonymous - #Operation for Reh...

Anonymous - Do you see what I see (Do you see what I see - Anonymous)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

#OpIsrael - The Aftermath (Operation Israel - The Aftermath) - Anonymous

#OpIsrael - 457 Israeli Websites defaced by Moroccan Hackers!

As the hours of the 7th of April tick away Moroccan Hackers BilalSbXtra & Dr.SaMiM_008 show what they are made of by releasing a pastebin list of 457 defaced Israeli websites. The hackers mass defaced hundreds of Israeli websites on various different servers. They left their #OpIsrael deface page on every site they had access to and they also deleted many databases. The damage done by the hackers would definitely be costly for all the Israeli companies affected. The list of defaced sites can be found here: http://pastebin.com/f82Tz5BE Some sites have been restored but the hackers mirrored the defacements for proof...

Mirrors of Defacements: http://www.hack-db.com/search.html?q=BilalSbXtra http://www.th3mirror.com/archive/notifiersearch=1/page=BilalSbXtra

(Source: http://www.illsecure.com/2013/04/opisrael-457-israeli-websites-defaced.html)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Anonymous - #Operation Israel (v2.0) (#OpIsrael (v2.0) - Anonymous)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Anonymous vs North Korea (#Operation North Korea - Anonymous)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Anonymous - #OpWorldBank (Operation World Bank - Anonymous)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Anonymous - The Collective's Decision 2013 (The Collective's Decision 20...